TISS Head Teacher’s Communication Term One 2024

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TISS Head Teacher’s Communication Term One 2024

What a swashbuckling adventure Term 1, 2024 has been! It’s been a whirlwind of successes, learnings and plotting our course for the future. Let’s raise a toast to all our fantastic stakeholders for steering this ship to success!

Firstly, a warm welcome to all new students and their families joining our prestigious school community. You’ve made a choice worth celebrating, and we’re thrilled to have over 500 new faces among us! Our school family has now grown significantly with over 700 students each in the National Curriculum and the Cambridge Curriculum. Your trust in our system is truly appreciated!

On behalf of management, staff and all students, I extend our deep-rooted sympathies and condolences to those that have lost their dear ones. As a school, we also lost close friends; the father of Victor Nkera Year 13, the father of Mariam Ninsiima Senior 3, one of our stars in the 2023 UACE examinations, Pretty Kobugabe and our esteemed alumnus, Eva Abwola Mugabi. In good and bad times God remains supreme! May their souls and other faithful departed rest in peace!

Exciting news: we’ve expanded our space! The second floors of both the Girls’ and Boys’ dormitories at the Cambridge section are now up and running. Additional classrooms have been constructed, with more on the way. Furthermore, the Library at the Cambridge section is now open! It would be wonderful if each student were to kindly donate at least one book! We eagerly anticipate further developments.

The highlight of the term undoubtedly belongs to the Musical production, aka our theatre production! This year’s rendition of ‘Sarafina,’ an adaptation of South Africa’s Mbogeni Ngema’s play, left audiences craving for more! We extend our gratitude to all who took the time to support their children and our school. With over 1,500 students gracing the stage, the 5Cs we instill in our learners were on full display.

In the same term, results from last year’s examinations were released. We are grateful all our results came out, but most importantly we are so pleased with our performance. Our Senior four class produced results worth a celebration! Our top student in Senior Four was Grace Mukiza with 10 aggregates; in Senior Six we had Patience Nabukalu with 20 points, the Year 11 top student was Kimberly Ogwal with A*A*A*A*AAAAB and in Year 13 Rodney Mukooza attained AAA in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics plus Mijumbi Lenin Kabalega with AAA in Physics, Mathematics and Economics! We are proud of them all and this far God has brought us! We are indeed, ‘Science School!’ Over 80% of our students qualified for university Education. The 2024 IGCSE exams have already started, and yes, we expect nothing less than excellence!

The release of last year’s DIT exams sat by Senior Three students then bring a sense of pride to Taibah. Despite the government dropping the ball on this initiative, we charged ahead! Eight brave teachers Jamiru, Rashidah, Rajab, Christine Wanyetse, Windsor, Umsalma, Emmanuel, Philip and Uncle Brian took the plunge and participated. Their pleasing results spur us on, and we’re determined to keep the momentum going! Parents, we urge you to seize this opportunity for a shot at the National DIT certificate. Our scope covers a spectrum wider than a peacock’s tail feathers! From Baking, Tailoring, Swimming, Basketball, ICT and Football!

Now, let’s talk tech! Another key item of the term has been The Digital Exposition. Students with the support of their teachers explored modern science and came up with exhilarating projects which can be used to solve many of life and work problems. It is so amazing how much technology can do! Personally, I was humbled by the level of innovativeness exhibited by the young ones. Thumbs up for teacher Dan who steered the research and exhibition, the students that engaged in it and the parents that made the time to come and encourage the upcoming engineers.

I am proud to inform you that our students took part in the district debating competitions and we came out triumphant! Students exhibited high skills in debating, public speaking and poetry. We are fully charged for the next stage where we are confident about scooping more trophies.

The UN model conference was another opportunity where we were represented and again, we stood out! Such opportunities have exposed our students to high level debate and research that have empowered them for greater challenges.

The Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) club has been vigilant with more innovations. The epitome of their engagements was a trip to Tunisia where three students accompanied by teacher Godfrey were exposed to high level scientific competitions with university students. Again, we excelled! Congratulations to Isaac Mpingi Diodi, Latim Aaron Benedict and Jeremy Asingura upon winning medals.

Kindness in Taibah is a way of life. We deliberately teach children to be kind and courteous. All opportunities to engage them are exploited. I would like to extend a vote of thanks to the Palliative Care Association of Uganda for partnering with us through the school compassionate club and exposing our young ones to vulnerable members of our society. These experiences are like gold nuggets in the river of life!

The mathematics contest at Makerere University was no walk in the park, but our representatives held their own, with a quarter qualifying for the next round. We’re gearing up to help them shine like diamonds in the rough!

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: the boy child. We have been very intentional at improving the boy child, in fact, one of the ‘themes of the week’ was on the boy child. Increasingly, boys are showing a resigned attitude to many things including academic excellence. It is our duty collaboratively to guard against the negative effects this may bring. I am therefore imploring you to be more deliberate with your boy child. Engage them in house chores, monitor their hygiene and self presentation, attach them to inspiring role models, draw them to God in their faith, reassure them of your love and take time to talk to them. Boys too need to feel loved and supported.

Among the few challenges we still have in school is malaria. This is partly due to the reluctance of some students towards the use of mosquito nets. Please help us in this struggle by sensitising your child/ren to use mosquito nets at home so that the practice is not resisted at school.

Congestion in dormitories due to too many bags has been another challenge. Everyone is allowed to bring one suitcase measuring not more than 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet and a bag for books. Some students have been in possession of two or three huge suitcases! Next term, students who report with huge suitcases will be asked to return them home. In the same breath, we need to guard against bringing expensive gadgets which distract our learners.

We are equally concerned about uniform. Uniform is a symbol of discipline and one of our shared values therefore students are expected to present themselves smart in it. Sadly, some students have altered the design by trimming it and adding unnecessary ornaments and unacceptable hair styles. Students that have altered the original design will be required to buy a new set and those with inappropriate hair styles will not be allowed in school. Also, be reminded of two pairs of black shoes and two pairs of trainers for sports.

Once again, I thank you for trusting us with your most desired treasures, your children and I wish you a restful holiday with them!



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The excellent quality of our teachers ensures opportunities for students of all abilities to develop to their full potential and explore their talents to the fullest.